Daily Life




Why Kids Pick Their Noses and Lick Their Shoes

Why Kids Pick Their Noses and Lick Their Shoes

Kids pick their noses. Gross. But is it harmless? Anyone around children long enough will observe them picking their noses. Many of us also witness that extra step; they eat whatever comes out! The name for this practice is Mucophagy. Some argue that children who engage in this behavior have stronger immune systems as a…

Being a Foster Parent is My Passion, My Purpose, My Life

Being a Foster Parent is My Passion, My Purpose, My Life

By: Tiese Williams. 427,910. The number of U.S. children currently in foster care. Do you know that more than half of those children are people of color? It’s real. It’s shocking. And it’s heartbreaking. The thought of so many innocent children drifting in this world without a safe place to call home is devastating. The…

8 Family Activities That Promote Love for African Heritage

8 Family Activities That Promote Love for African Heritage

Do you want to show your children how to love their African heritage? Part of providing a strong foundation for your child’s healthy self-image is teaching them about their origin and history. Today, African American children can turn on their TV, go to a toy store, or even visit Disneyland and find very few images…

Why You Should Teach Your Child Black History at Home

Why You Should Teach Your Child Black History at Home

I am the product of a pro-black family. From the time my first memory became etched in my psyche, my family sat around the dinner table discussing poverty, oppression, and black history daily. My father regularly yelled out MLK quotes, and Eyes on the Prize played in rotation. We were always discussing the Civil Rights…

Got Clutter? 8 Tips To Keep Your House Clean

Got Clutter? 8 Tips To Keep Your House Clean

Tired of being buried under the clutter? Do you feel like the more you clean, the more mess you have? Does the thought of cleaning your home make you hyperventilate? I have some tips for you! Keeping your house clean doesn’t have to be a daily nightmare.

7 Reasons Why I Love Being a Grandmother

7 Reasons Why I Love Being a Grandmother

By Kim Morris. I am a grandmother blessed with 3 adult daughters and 3 absolutely awesome grandchildren ages: 14, 5 and 2. My husband and I both enjoy our role immensely as grandparents. Below are a 7 reasons why I LOVE being a grandmother:

Black Moms Are Defying Stereotypes and Slaying Motherhood
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Black Moms Are Defying Stereotypes and Slaying Motherhood

Black moms are serving lemonade. Straight up. We have been dodging and weaving negative stereotypes since the beginning of time. America loves portraying us in a negative light and we are so over it. Our narrative reads that Black moms are angry. Uneducated. Won’t work. Can’t find a man. And the men that we do…

7 Signs You Have a Little Diva On Your Hands

7 Signs You Have a Little Diva On Your Hands

Do you have a little fashionista? I do! From the time my daughter was 2, she has taken a special interest in clothing, shoes, and accessories. In fact, she insists that she pick out all her own clothes by herself. I like to encourage her independence, so I allow her to dress herself and choose…

How To Prepare Your Toddler For a New Daycare Center

How To Prepare Your Toddler For a New Daycare Center

The thought of a new daycare center can be super scary! Is your toddler headed to a daycare center for the first time? Or are you considering switching locations and you are nervous about your little one’s transition? You are not alone! It can be a really scary feeling. One of the most unsettling feelings…

Bothered by Breastfeeding in Public? Here’s a Survival Kit.
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Bothered by Breastfeeding in Public? Here’s a Survival Kit.

Are you bothered by breastfeeding in public?Does seeing a mom breastfeed in public make you want to pull your hair out? Does it make you itch and cringe all over? Is the act so grotesque and inappropriate that you can’t help but speak out over it? If so this post is for you! I understand…

Your In-service Guide to Flying With Turned-Up Kids

Your In-service Guide to Flying With Turned-Up Kids

Does your heart beat really fast any time you think about traveling with kids? Mine used to. Okay, it still does, but I’m getting better at managing the stress! I’ve come up with some tips that work for me, and that may help you out as well!

Kick in the Door: 10 Ways My Kids Have Taken Over

Kick in the Door: 10 Ways My Kids Have Taken Over

Here I was, floating through life with me in the center. I shopped often, ate well, partied hard, and had an abundance of me-time. Until….. the kids came to kick in the door, waiving a new reality on my entire life! All the things I used to do before….NULL AND VOID! It’s like they just…