Body & Soul





When Your Virtual Mom Group is Your Lifeline

When Your Virtual Mom Group is Your Lifeline

Moms of the Underworld I’ll let you in on a little secret. Did you know there are secret mom societies across the globe that make the world go round? Moms flock to them like white on rice, because they have become our virtual homes away from home, and we aren’t moving anytime soon. Here, we share…

“Fall Time” Bodycare and Skincare Routine

“Fall Time” Bodycare and Skincare Routine

Being a mom is a full-time job! Sometimes it’s hard to find the time to go out and pamper ourselves. We all want to like to look and feel fabulous this fall! Well, I’ve got news for you. What if I told you, you could pamper yourself in your own home? It’s true! And I’ve…

Bag Ladies! Help on How to Fix Broken Friendships
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Bag Ladies! Help on How to Fix Broken Friendships

Do you need help on how to fix a broken friendship? Is it me, or does it seem as though friendships were much easier when we were younger? Good, bad, or ugly, I always knew where I stood. Best friends one week, dumped the next. I rotated friends in and out like my latest pair…

Strollercise: Exercises For Moms With Strollers

Strollercise: Exercises For Moms With Strollers

Ready for Strollercise? Sassy Plum Shows You How!

Exercise is both physically and mentally important. But being a busy mom, when do we find the time to exercise when our lives revolve around the baby? Look no further!

I Need a Do-Over! Tools for Coping With a Bad Day

I Need a Do-Over! Tools for Coping With a Bad Day

Having a bad day? Some bad days start as early as stubbing your toe upon getting out of bed in the morning, and continue with a domino effect of little things. Yet other days may only take one event to bring you to the realization that you are in need of a do-over. What might…

Milk Not Coming In? Try Putting Everyone Out and Other Breastfeeding Tips
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Milk Not Coming In? Try Putting Everyone Out and Other Breastfeeding Tips

I discovered that once I was able to sit with no shirt on and not worry about how I looked, or how he latched, or how to have small talk with someone who came over to “help,” but there was really nothing for them to do… it just kind of happened. First a drop came out, and then another drop and then bam: the floodgates opened. And we got back into our groove and the milk flowed. I went from zero ounces to probably 50 ounces a day – all because I got a break in visitors.

Balancing Motherhood and Self-Care

Balancing Motherhood and Self-Care

Did you know that mommy ducks build their nests with feathers they pluck from their chests? Neither did I, but it makes sense. A mother duck is the same as every other kind of mom out there: she endures the often painful sting of sacrifice so that she might create a safe place for her children. It…

That Time My Husband Bought Me Lingerie
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That Time My Husband Bought Me Lingerie

First off let me say that motherhood is the biggest honor and gift. I remember when I was expecting my first son, a good friend described my impending birth experience as an opportunity to assist God in a miracle. And boy was that statement accurate. I’m going to tell you how growing and delivering babies made…

Busy Moms Can Go Back To School Too
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Busy Moms Can Go Back To School Too

  Do you yearn to return to school? It is very possible. If I could do it, so can you. Six years ago, I devised a list of all the reasons I couldn’t go back to school. My list was solid, and I had a comeback for anyone that tried to challenge it. I have…

Words of Affirmation, From Mother to Daughter
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Words of Affirmation, From Mother to Daughter

Affirmation is essential. At 4 years old, my daughter is a sponge. She’s soaking up the world around her and downloading long-lasting thoughts onto her miniature mental hard-drive. At this age, her slate is still clean and impressionable. It is my duty as her mother to help shape her confidence and esteem with sugar and…

How You Can Redefine Your Identity After Motherhood

How You Can Redefine Your Identity After Motherhood

After school, marriage, family, and career (and not necessarily in that order), what’s next? You’ve basically gotten where you said you would be, and all the big-ticket events are in the past. So what now? Does your identity need a new definition?  What awaits around the corner? Do you get caught up in the doldrums…