Moms Making Moves: A Doctor AND Fashionista!
Doctor by day, a ton of fashion on the side, and mother 24/7. Meet Dr. Kiarra King! She is a Board Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist, trendy fashion blogger, and a mother of a beautiful daughter! She is also one of Sassy Plum’s fashion/lifestyle contributors.
Doctor By Day
Dr. King always knew she wanted to be a doctor. She used to search encyclopedias for diagnoses when she came down with symptoms as a child. Without telling her age, let’s just say you can guess what era she grew up in! The days of “Doctor Google” and Web MD were a thing of the future. Her curiosity was piqued the old-fashioned way.

At the University of Michigan, Dr. King majored in Kinesiology, specifically athletic training, so that she could focus on learning the function of the human body. It wasn’t until the beginning of her 4th year of medical school that she KNEW she wanted to specialize in OB/GYNE. She was previously considering orthopedics or physical medicine and rehab given her previous undergraduate experience. But she fell in love with OB/GYNE as a specialty.

The Wonderful World Of Fashion
Being a doctor is not her only love. Dr. King has been deep in love with style and fashion since before she could remember. One fashion trademark she has is wearing classic lines. She feels that one can never go wrong with a classic style!
“I literally have items in my closet that I STILL wear that are 15 years-old and don’t look dated!”
-Dr. King
She also loves a little flair, so she often incorporates bold prints and fun designs into her wardrobe.
Motherhood has tremendously impacted Dr. King’s career. She was out of residency for several years before having her daughter. However, as a woman and mother who cares for expectant moms and other women, motherhood has allowed her to relate so much more to her patients! She can share personal stories in addition to medical facts as patients navigate their way through pregnancy.
“Although I have ALWAYS enjoyed helping to bring new life into the world, it’s even more special to see the look on patients’ and families faces as they see a new little life enter the world, as I remember when my own baby girl was born.”
-Dr. King
Juggling Career and Motherhood
Prior to having her daughter, Dr. King was employed by a practice. Two days before her maternity leave they informed her that the practice was going to close. You can imagine the initial shock she felt. Long story short she ended up taking nearly two years off and didn’t miss ANYTHING with regards to her baby. Although unexpected, the break from work was exactly what she needed.
“Some days we wonder how we will do it but every day it still gets done!”
– Dr. King
As she has recently transitioned back to the workplace, Dr. King decided to work part-time so it allows her to have the best of both worlds! Fortunately, she was blessed with a job opportunity that allows her to balance career, motherhood, and her other interests. She has time for it all! Dr. King enjoys spending time with her family, baking, shopping and working on her lifestyle blog.
Dr. King’s most enjoyable career moments
It’s obviously very rewarding to be able to participate in bringing a life into the world. Equally awesome is having patients trust her and at times have their lives placed in her hand. She doesn’t take that lightly at all. She has also forged some amazing relationships and met some lifelong friends on her journey as a medical student, resident and now attending physician. Many of the patients and colleagues she has interacted with over the years have shaped her into the person she is today and for that she is truly grateful.
To learn more about doctor and fashionista Dr. King, follow her blogs on 1MommyMD and Instagram.
Be sure to check out her postings on Sassy Plum!
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