Sassy Plum Asks Moms, What Are You Thankful For?
Thanksgiving is more than a dinner, family and fellowship. It’s also a time to self-reflect and identify why we are truly grateful.
Sassy Plum asked our best mom friends what they are thankful for through the eyes of motherhood. Before you read, you may want to grab a tissue. This is a tear-jerker, and their responses will amaze you:
“I am thankful for…”
Motherhood & Family
“being able to learn daily from my kids.” -SD
“motherhood, because my children are truly my bright light.” -LA
“unconditional love from and for my children, even when the rest of the world seems cold and disappointing.” -NO
“how by simply being themselves, my children grow and change me for the better! I gave birth to myself when I gave birth to my kids- forever grateful!” -JD
“three healthy children. I am thankful to be here to raise them, because circumstances could have ended another way.” -SM
“my husband having some holiday time off to help with the kids.” -SG
“the times when my infant is crying and I see my 2 year-old run to her to make her laugh. It gives me 5 little minutes of heaven on earth!” -KF
Ability & Miracles
“the chance to breastfeed my child.” -MB
“life, the ability to create it, carry it and being the vessel to deliver it. After 23 years and countless miscarriages, God blessed me with my son.” -LG
“having been blessed with three healthy children when there was a time when I thought I may never carry a child.” -MP
“being chosen to be their mother when I was told that I couldn’t have children.” -QB
“being able to stay at home with my daughter for the past 5 years. It’s the best job I’ve ever had!” -BFD
The Unconditional Bond
“the thought that even in a room full of people, my 6 week-old baby can hear my voice and lock eyes with me. It’s the best feeling.” –JCL
“my 15 weeks of maternity leave I’ve taken (although only 6 of it was paid) and the time it has allowed my body and mind to recover, bond with my son and adjust to this new phase of my life.”-EF
“the opportunity to be home/off work to see my baby girl’s big growth milestones and to be able to celebrate them with her.” -EB
“to now see what unconditional love looks and feel like.” -MB
“my children choosing me to be their mom. I gave birth to my soul mates and for that I’m so grateFULL.” -YS
“existing, now as a mother. I am thankful for, time and again, being able to hold and snuggle my sweet baby girl. As they say the days are long but the years are short. So I cherish the good and bad, the ups and downs, the smiles and tears. In all things give thanks.” -KK
“the way I can see people through my children’s eyes. They have such a good and pure way of loving and caring for others, even me on my worst day” -AL
“that my kids see the best in me even on my worst days as a mom.” -TW
“the challenges and the hardships because it makes the successes that much sweeter!” – AJH
“the ability to give my children the things that I never had. I take the highs with the lows and refuse to take a minute of it for granted.”-LC
“three beautiful children. Life gets rough and my children can test the waters but the unconditional love I have for them is undeniable.” -KJ
“good health to enjoy my babies and my husband. I’m thankful for all the small hardships that remind me just how blessed I really am.” -CGS
“having a child that is “differently” abled, I look at the world differently and have become much more accepting.” -KD
Reflection & Purpose
“my true purpose having been revealed and realized through mothering my children.” -EP
“everything that is in this moment, the present, the right now…what a blessing.” -ML
“being a mom, which has brought me so much closer to my own mother.” -TS
“learning this year about *just* how fragile pregnancy is and how much is takes for a baby to get here safely. She brings me so much joy.” -CN
“having children, which has allowed me to see the world through pure and innocent eyes again.” -TM
“motherhood, in that I’m able to revisit what childhood feels like through my son’s eyes.” -NT
“God using me to give life to another human being!” -SG
“God and savior Jesus, for my two unborn angels, for my black son who will be born in this world, for my God-fearing and loyal husband, for my friends and family, and for God’s final say—I am thankful.” -CJ
“God blessing and entrusting me to be the steward of this beautiful little person who has taught me the true meaning of LOVE.” -SM
“God seeing fit to bless me with a healthy baby boy.” -TC
“God favoring and equipping me to be the mother of my beautiful being of a daughter.” -CS
“God’s continued reassurances and reminders of His faithfulness to my family particularly my boys.” -SJL
“the blessing of being a mom to a sweet little spirit, grateful for forgiveness, healing, and for continued blessings in life, both big and small, even when it’s not deserved.” -AW
“the innocence and purity of my childrens’ prayers and especially the way my 5 year-old has his own special relationship with God.” -MN
“God trusting me to raise 3 boys and that I’m able to be called Mommy, Ma, Mom, and Motha (my teenager, jokingly).” -SW
“being able to lead, teach, care for, love on, and pray for this little one of mine! Thanking HIM for choosing my husband and I as his parents on earth!”-TJ
“God choosing me to bring His precious gift into the world.” -YB
“the opportunity to raise and launch four compassionate, strong, and godly people into a world that needs more people like them.” -LH
“a love that I have come to give and receive like no other possible and I am so thankful that God felt me worthy of such a gift.”-KB
“growth. I’m thankful that God blessed me with two beautiful little girls.” -CP
“God seeing fit to restore my family and bless us with our newest addition. Delay does not mean denial.” -LH
“God choosing me.” -TC
The Future
“the hope of a future in them and getting to be a part of who they will become.” -LLC
“starting traditions with my child that he will one day pass on to his children and for the fond memories we will have to reminisce on and keep us grounded in remembrance of who we are and what we value.” –LN
“the opportunity to have children, and to lead and teach them.” -JG
“the opportunity to evolve and advance my family’s lineage through this child and the teachings and experiences that comes from my motherhood journey.” -KR
Now that we’ve made you cry,
Sassy Plum wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!